There is just something about a place where there have been decades of people gathering there to worship and discover God...
Many beautiful tears have been shed at Cedar Campus in the great land of Michigan's Upper Peninsula. It is a thin space. Truly one of the most beautiful places in the world. I was constantly just blown away by the glory. And I got to experience all of this beauty for a whole week with my dear friends for InterVarsity's Chapter Focus Week.
God revealed Himself to me in many ways. In ways that were hard, too.
These people are my family. My brothers and sisters, and each one just incredibly dear to my heart.
I only pulled my phone out for the last morning, right before we left because I wanted to unplug for a while, but I just HAD to capture some of the breath-taking sights. And unfortunately I only closely captured my group of Towers friends by the lake, but I hope you enjoy them.
Oh, my heart is full.