Towers Hall vs. Governors Hall in a friendly little game of Kickball next Saturday, the 27th. Guess who's going to win? ...*hint(the Tower of TERROR) haha I've never been so competitive in my life!
A little Chamber Orchestra concert on a Tuesday (: I actually really LOVED this!
I decided iced coffee is a new favorite thing.
My beautiful friend, Leah, all dressed up for the Viennese Ball! (:
The Towers Bible Study leaders for next year! WOOO! Such beautiful people.
"Paaaaaaige" ...typical (: I loved seeing my pretty sister for a lunch!
I’m free to love once and for all And even when I fall I’ll get back up For the joy that overflows my cup Heaven filled me with more than enough Broke down my levees and my bluffs Let the flood wash me.