I have been following it for about two years now, and in that time it has brought deep and meaningful wisdom to little eighteen-year-old Freshman Alexi with curiosity about how to be a godly woman, and it has shaped me into a twenty-year-old Junior that still doesn't have it figured out (I don't think I ever totally will) and has brought areas of my heart that closer to Jesus because of the convictions, thoughts, and joys that have been written- each in very deep ways. I love it so much, don't be surprised if I pass along links to this treasure often. I suspect I will do this quite a bit, so I made a category link on the right (: That's how much I love it!
I thank God for this woman (the author), Diane Comer, through whom He is speaking, as well as the beautiful church based in Portland, Oregon, called Solid Rock, with which the blog is associated. I so wish I could call it my church. Maybe one day? (:
But anyways, I wanted to share this post especially because it's like she read my journal and knew what I needed to hear today or something! I hope it touches you, too. (Who am I kidding, all of her posts touch me!)