It's about time I tell you about this person right here who is so so special to me. This is Angela, and she is one of the very first friends I made at Eau Claire.
I remember having a bunch of orientation stuff to go to as a little freshman on the first week before school started. I was walking up the hill, back to my dorm room, tired from it all and just wanting friends and missing home, and she was there at the top of the hill, passing out watermelon with other people from Intervarsity. Meeting her and other beautiful people there that day made me think, "yep, I can do this college thing." I saw love there that I just clung to and wanted so deeply. I felt so welcomed, I can't even tell you! I still remember calling my mom that night and describing Angela and how I knew the love I felt from her, specifically, was from Jesus! There was no denying it. And I kept going on and on about how wonderful those Intervarsity people I met were! (:
And so here I am, a Junior now, deeply rooted in this beautiful community, with a deep friendship with this beautiful human being and I couldn't be more grateful for it. She is still loving me and others just like that day, with a love that goes deep.. a love straight from the heart of Jesus. Angela is close to my heart
Sometimes I think about how my life might be different if I ended up choosing a different school. One thing I know is that I wouldn't have known Angela and I just wouldn't be the same.