So, I just want to tell you about this beautiful soul.
Because, lately, I just haven't been able to comprehend the goodness of my Father in placing so many beautiful people around me, and I really want to tell you about them! Because, like, I literally cannot even fathom it sometimes. Too often I forget, but wow, what the heck?! haha, these brothers and sisters of mine are so wonderful. And this girl is one of them... Her name is Laura and she is radiant with the love of Jesus. RADIANT. She loves people with a depth that is just not her own. She has a presence of peace and total authenticity. She is inexplicably wonderful, and I often thank God for her existence. I so cherish this friendship that I have gotten to develop with her this year and don't even want to talk about how I feel about her graduating... So, thank You, Jesus, for Laura. She is very special to me. Thank You for making her so well. Thank You for loving me through her. <3 And, sometimes, you just need to cry in the rain.
for your unfaithfulness to God. for the people who don't know Him. for the ways you're frustrated by Him and feel like you're stuck. for the ways you feel like you're just missing it. for the ways you've failed. for you're selfishness.. like I did tonight. There is something very cleansing about that. I have found He meets me there when I do that. I hope He meets you wherever you are tonight, friends. I deeply appreciate this Bible paraphrase from The Message, Matthew 11:28-30 “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”
dear sunshine,
thank you for coming out today. i never want you to leave. dear coral, i'm so terribly glad you were born. thanks for the little hotel birthday party fun last night (: dear m&m's, you are my weakness. i hate that you are my weakness. so does my stomach this morning. dear dad, you are probably my favorite person ever. thanks for being you and always making me laugh. dear bangs, sometimes i love you, sometimes i don't. this morning was an 'i don't' kinda morning. you were flyin. dear michelle, i LOVE that you are my friend. dear sparkly gold finger nail polish, you make me really like being a girl (: dear mom, dad, and sister, seeing you yesterday was really good for my soul. i needed that; thank you. i love you all so much it hurts! dear syd, thanks for asking about my heart yesterday. i love that i have friends who do that. that means a lot to me. dear josh garrels, come to eau claire? please?? dears nooms, i miss you. dear coffee, i like you even without cream! yay! dear sophomore year, why do ya have to go so fast? dear angela, thanks for always making me feel so loved. please never graduate, k? i've lost sleep over that thought. dear homework, i don't really have to work on you, right? you're more like a suggestion, right? dear emily, that text that said 'i miss you' this morning, made my whole day. and dear Jesus, i really love you. thanks for holding me close lately. Sweet dreams, dear friends. I don't know why these beautiful little ceramic clips get me as much as they do, but I have found myself repeating this little video over and over. Truly one of the most beautiful things; I just love it so much!
Done by a beautiful person, too, Mariah Harrison! I certainly am a fan of that girl (: This is the song I wanna have in my head when I fall asleep, too. Oh, Sleeping at Last, your music moves me. p.s. Here's Mariah's website if you want to see other talented works: (: Yesterday was my dear friend, Coral's, birthday. And this means CELEBRATION, because this girl's life is the BIGGEST gift. So, my friends an I surprised her in the BBC Lounge on campus and later moved over to the cafeteria upstairs to dig into the beautiful cake made with love by Holland and Isaac. Those two also wrote and played the most amazing song for Coral! I feel so blessed to know that I have friends who love on each other so well. So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Coral, a person who has made this world a happier place for twenty-one years; a person who has caused this girl to turn to her Savior time and time again in gratitude for such a friend.