why can'tchya just write yourself? do i have to do all the work around here? (;
dear mom and dad,
you're in chicago. that's pretty cool, i guess. except wanna take me with next time? please??
dear becca and ariel,
you two are my favorite sun-chasers! i find it so darn wonderful that i have friends who will not only gush about the sun with me, but even encourage it!
dear words,
i'm always amazed what you can do and all that you can communicate and how much even one or two of you can touch my heart.
dear popcorn,
what i would give to have a bag of you right now..
dear hannah,
didjya know getting to spend so much time with you yesterday made my day? well, it did.
dear yellow,
i love you really a lot. i'm so glad you're a color. you might even be my favorite, but don't tell pink i said that.
dear rachel,
your beauty of heart blesses me time and time again! you inspire me and have reminded me that God is my dear Father. i wish so much that you went to school here...
dear intervarsity men,
you do a really good job at honoring and respecting your sisters! you sure made us all feel special. thank you!
dear davies,
thanks for the big whales and octopi hangin around these days! and those decorative blown up sterile gloves! mhmm! always keepin things spicy around here! (; thanks for celebrating earth week!
dear oh hellos,
i wonder if i'll ever get sick of you?
dear friends,
each one of you have hearts that blow me away! it's my great honor to know you and be known by you. a daily adventure!
dear reader,
create something today!
dear emily,
i miss you.
dear God,
thanks for knowing my heart and hearing my cries and filling me and teaching me and disciplining me. i am Yours and it's my delight to be!