God is teaching me more & more about how to love people, and what that even means and what it looks like to love people and love them well, like He does. what a beautiful thought that He does that & i hope He never stops! and in the midst of this ongoing lesson, this quote really stuck out to me and i thought i'd share it. it keeps coming back to my mind and i keep thinking about it and what it means. not gonna lie, though, this made me realize things about myself that i didn't really like realizing. and my hope for you, dear reader, is that God would also pull out those hindering and not-so-lovely things within you, and it would convict you in order that you might become more like Christ in this humbling life-long endeavor of loving.
& i was also reminded of this really meaningful song for me, called "safe" by britt nicole... give it a listen. i hope it speaks.
Oh Alexi, I miss you so much. Thank you for posting this up. I've always thought about this quote too, and how much it makes me think of "Hello My Old Heart" by the Oh Hello's. I think I need to let my mind think more about this. Thanks for spurring a thought. Miss you, my dear friend. :)
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Skipping like a calf loosed from its stall,
I’m free to love once and for all And even when I fall I’ll get back up For the joy that overflows my cup Heaven filled me with more than enough Broke down my levees and my bluffs Let the flood wash me.